The Grand Banks A Pictorial History

The Grand Banks

A Pictorial History

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“It was the wild west, as all fished in a totally unregulated way in a free-for-all.” For centuries, fishermen the world over have been prosecuting the waters teeming with cod from the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and Labrador. The growing demand for fish in world markets, the inexorable march of technology, and the failure of international governments to limit the harvest from the sea have each played a part in turning this industry into a thin shadow of its once great majesty. With more than 500 photos of foreign and domestic vessels, crews, ports, shipyards, and modes of processing fish at sea aboard ships that were part of Newfoundland and Labrador's collective history, The Grand Banks is a full and impartial history of the magnitude of this fishing effort.

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J. P. Andrieux

Jean Pierre Andrieux is a St. John’s–based businessman and author of several books published since 1970. He was born in Montreal of St. Pierre–Miquelon parents, raised in Prince Edward Island, and graduated from the Sir George Williams University School of Retailing (now Concordia) in 1968. He has been closely linked to the tourism industry both in St. Pierre and Newfoundland since that time. Andrieux has a photo collection that exceeds 30,000 prints and is regularly a guest lecturer on cruise vessels. He is the Honorary Vice Consul of Spain for Newfoundland and Labrador. He is married to Elizabeth King, and they reside in St. John’s.


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