The Garden of Art Vic Cicansky, Sculptor

The Garden of Art

Vic Cicansky, Sculptor

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Elegant, surreal, erotic, ecological, autobiographical, perpetual, populist, comic! These are the words that describe the work of noted Regina sculptor Victor Cicansky. The book celebrates the voice, life, and art of this prolific prairie-based artist. Nature, tamed or wild, informs everything he makes; worlds we recognize with pleasure, where cabbages are kings. This book is written in a style that is informed by, yet not overburdened with, critical analysis, allowing the art to speak for itself.

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Don Kerr

Don Kerr is professor emeritus of English at the University of Saskatchewan and the poet laureate of Saskatchewan (2012). His strong sense of regionalism influences his interpretation of Victor Cicansky's work, in which he makes connections between the work and the artist's ethnic immigrant agrarian roots.


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