Summary: Overnight Success Review and Analysis of Trimble's Book
Summary: Overnight Success Review and Analysis of Trimble's Book

Summary: Overnight Success

Review and Analysis of Trimble's Book

The must-read summary of Vance Trimble's book: "Overnight Success: Federal Express & Frederick Smith, Its Renegade Creator".

This complete summary of the ideas from Vance Trimble's book "Overnight Success" tells how, in 1970, Frederick Smith envisioned a streamlined fleet of aeroplanes that could deliver packages anywhere overnight, and how he transformed that idea into a billion-dollar industry. In his book, the author reveals the obstacles that the company had to overcome, including how to finance the first official flight. This summary gives readers an insight into the personal and professional life of Smith and his journey to success.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand key concepts
• Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read "Overnight Success" and discover the story behind the American phenomenon, FedEx.

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