Serial Girls From Barbie to Pussy Riot
Serial Girls From Barbie to Pussy Riot

Serial Girls

From Barbie to Pussy Riot

Everywhere you look patriarchal society reduces women to a series of repeating symbols: serial girls.

On TV and in film, on the internet and in magazines, pop culture and ancient architecture, serial girls are all around us, moving in perfect sync—as dolls, as dancers, as statues. From Tiller Girls to Barbie dolls, Playboy bunnies to Pussy Riot, Martine Delvaux produces a provocative analysis of the many gendered assumptions that underlie modern culture. Delvaux draws on the works of Barthes, Foucault, de Beauvoir, Woolf, and more to argue that serial girls are not just the ubiquitous symbols of patriarchal domination but also offer the possibility of liberation.

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Martine Delvaux

Martine Delvaux is a professor of literature at the Université du Québec à Montréal, specializing in feminist theory, and is the author of four novels, including The Last Bullet is for You.


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