Lucky Luke - Volume 24 - The Judge
Lucky Luke - Volume 24 - The Judge

Lucky Luke - Volume 24 - The Judge

On a cattle drive to New Mexico, Lucky Luke travels through Langtry, home of self-appointed judge Roy Bean. A crook and a cheat who invents laws and concocts offences, Bean arrests Luke and confiscates his herd. But he doesn’t count on the arrival of another crook and cheat intent on poaching the old man’s game. It will be up to our favourite cowboy to sort it out and bring real law west of the Pecos River at last.

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Born and raised in Belgium, author Morris moved to the United States in 1946 and stayed six years. There, he worked for MAD magazine, gathered documentation on the Old West, and experienced firsthand Lucky Luke’s home. In 1992 the jury awarded him the Special 20th Anniversary Grand Prix at the International Angouleme Comic Festival.


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