Hearts in the Wild Inspiring Stories of Animal Rescues

Hearts in the Wild

Inspiring Stories of Animal Rescues

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Every year, thousands of wild animals are injured or orphaned in Canada, while the habitat and very existence of others is threatened by human activity. Roxanne Willems Snopek tells the inspiring stories of some of these amazing creatures and the dedicated and compassionate people who care for them. Wildlife rescue centres help many of our urban animal neighbours, from the tiniest baby songbirds to skunks, raccoons, opossums and rabbits.

Other concerned volunteers work on the edge of the wilderness. In the Alberta foothills, a few passionate advocates fight to protect dwindling bands of wild horses. Residents of Churchill, Manitoba, watch over the magnificent beluga whales and polar bears of the region. A wildlife centre in Golden, BC, strives to educate people about the vital environmental importance of the wolf. These heartwarming tales of rescue, rehabilitation and conservation are sure to delight all animal lovers.

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Roxanne Willems Snopek

Roxanne Willems Snopek has been writing professionally for two decades and is the author of 8 books and more than 150 articles. Her non-fiction has appeared in a wide variety of publications, from the Vancouver Sun and Reader's Digest to newsletters for Duke, Cornell and Tufts universities. She lives in Abbotsford, BC, surrounded by family and a variety of dogs, cats, birds and fish.


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