Green Class - Volume 2 - The Alpha
Green Class - Volume 2 - The Alpha

Green Class - Volume 2 - The Alpha

A planetwide virus. The collapse of civilization. A class of young Canadians caught on a field trip in the ruins of Louisiana, fighting desperately to stay together, and stay alive. They've managed to escape the quarantine zone, but that just means they're in terra incognita. The infection has turned one of them into a misshapen monster: a gentle giant nevertheless capable of great violence, that various warring factions of humans are out to kill or capture. In this second volume, Jérôme Hamon and David Tako deepen their pulse-pounding and profoundly humane portrait of a fearsome post-viral landscape.

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Hamon Jérôme

Following his studies at an American university and at business school, French author Jérôme Hamon began his professional life in New York as a financial analyst. Convinced that the life he wanted was elsewhere, he left the field two years later to travel around the world. Back in France, Hamon strung together a number of jobs in the movies, video games, and television. In parallel, he began to write his first comic book and graphic novel scripts. In 2008, Hamon went to Angouleme to present his first completed scripts, and it was there that he met artist Marc Van Straceele. The two would go on to collaborate on "Yokozuna," a graphic novel on sumo wrestling in Japan (Kana, 2013). Following that, Hamon worked with artist Antoine Carrion on "Nils," a saga halfway between Nordic mythology and the works of Miyazaki (Soleil, 2016). He then followed with "Emma & Capucine," a series for younger readers centered on the worlds of classical dance and hip-hop (Dargaud 2017, Europe Comics in English 2018), and "Mitsuo," alongside Cédric Babouche (Le Lombard, 2018). His recent work also includes the action-packed series "Green Class," alongside artist David Tako (Le Lombard; Europe Comics in English).


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