Contingency Plan

Contingency Plan

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When Sandra Sinclair, recently widowed and the mother of twelve-year-old Jane, meets wealthy lawyer Joe Gillette, he wins her over with his kind and conscientious attitude. Falling in love faster than she ever thought possible, Sandra agrees to marry. But soon after they move into their new home, things begin to change, and Joe's controlling behavior causes her to question her decision. When her new husband becomes seriously abusive, Sandra decides that she and Jane must leave.

When Joe makes it clear that he will not just let her walk away, Sandra discovers that it's quite likely that he arranged his first wife's death, and that she is now part of his "contingency plan." She soon realizes that even the law is no defense against this meticulous and egotistical man. Fleeing to an old family cabin on a remote lake, mother and daughter prepare to live off the grid. And when Joe tracks them down, Sandra must come up with a contingency plan of her own.

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Lou Allin

Lou Allin was the author of the award-nominated Belle Palmer mysteries set in Northern Ontario. Formerly an English teacher, Lou held a PhD. in English literature. Her Rapid Reads Contingency Plan won the Arthur Ellis Award for Best Crime Novella in Canada and has been shortlisted for the Golden Oak Award from the Ontario Library Association.


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