Burried Words The Diary of Molly Applebaum

Burried Words

The Diary of Molly Applebaum

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Hidden away underground, in a box, twelve-year-old Molly has only her older cousin and her diary to keep her company. For two years, she writes of her confinement “in a grave”: the cold, dark and stuffiness, the unbearable suffering from insufficient food, and the complicated reliance on the two farmers who are risking their own lives to save her. Buried Words is a stark confession of Molly’s fears, despair and secrets and, above all, her fervent wish to stay alive.

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Molly Applebaum

Molly Applebaum was born in Krakow, Poland, in 1930. After the war, she spent three years in displaced persons camps in Europe before immigrating to Canada as a war orphan. Buried Words is the first English translation of the diary Molly wrote in Polish from 1942–1944 while hidden on a farm in Dąbrowa Tarnowska, Poland. Molly Applebaum lives in Toronto.


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