Vero Cazot

Not very keen on oral expression, French writer Véronique (Vero) Cazot had to learn very early on to use a pen, then a keyboard, to write all kinds of things: love letters, letters of motivation, trailers for television, sketches for a one-woman show, and screenplays of movies and series... She then expanded into scriptwriting for comics as well. Author of the humorous two-part series "Et toi, quand est-ce que tu t'y mets?," she continued her journey with two graphic novels: "Les petites distances" and "Betty Boob," which won numerous awards including the FNAC BD prize in 2018 and a selection at the Eisner Awards in 2019. She was brought on by Dupuis in 2020 to give life to the series "Olive" (Europe Comics in English), illustrated by Lucy Mazel.