NeoForest - Volume 1 - Cocto Citadel
NeoForest - Volume 1 - Cocto Citadel

NeoForest - Volume 1 - Cocto Citadel

In a distant future lives a young woman named Blanche. She's the heiress of Cocto Citadel, a neofeudal city like those that arose after the end of the world... When Blanche and her father find themselves at the center of dramatic power struggles, it's in the heart of NeoForest, the Great Central Forest, that everything must be decided.

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À propos de l'auteur

Fred Duval

Born in 1965 in Rouen, France, Frédéric Duval first studied history. He completed his master's degree by studying the caricatures of a newspaper during the Dreyfus Affair. He published his first book, "500 fusils," in 1995. In 2008, for comics publisher Delcourt, he published the science fiction series "Meteors," illustrated by Philippe Ogaki, before tackling an old dream with illustrator Zanzim: to adapt "Tartuffe" as a graphic novel. In 2010, he then published the first volume of the speculative fiction series "Nico" (Dargaud), alongside Philippe Berthet. In 2016, he wrote the tenth volume of "XIII Mystery" (Dargaud; Europe Comics/Cinebook in English), under the direction of Jean Van Hamme. The year 2018 marked the release of his latest science fiction series, "Renaissance" (Dargaud; Europe Comics in English), alongside Emem and Fred Blanchard. His most recent work is the masterful literary adaptation "Nymphéas Noirs" (Dupuis; "Black Water Lilies," Europe Comics), illustrated by Didier Cassegrain. In 2022, he teamed up with Michel Bussi and Noë Monin to create "Cinq Avril" (Dupuis; Europe Comics), a series set during the Renaissance. In 2023, he started working on "NeoForest" (Dargaud; Europe Comics), a new sci-fi series with Philippe Scoffoni.


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