Barefoot Helen and the Giants

Barefoot Helen and the Giants

Helen is a fine hand with a slingshot, and more than at home in the woods. After all, she was raised by bears. When she stumbles upon three evil giants, she hatches the perfect plan to rid the land of them. Well, almost perfect...

Bulleybummus, the fiercest giant, catches her and insists she help kidnap the princess Antoinette. Instead, Helen manages to save the sleeping princess and finish off the giant before heading quietly back home. No one knows who the giant killer is, but Antoinette is determined to find out and comes up with a plan of her own.

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À propos de l'auteur

Andy Jones

An actor, writer, storyteller and director, Andy Jones lives in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Once a member of the acclaimed comedy troupe CODCO, he has had a long and accomplished career in theatre, film and television. He is the co-adaptor of the award-winning folktale Peg Bearskin and author of an acclaimed series of Jack tales. In 2019 he was named to the Order of Canada in recognition of his contributions to the culture of Newfoundland and Labrador.


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