Animal Farm

Animal Farm

"Animal Farm" is a famous allegorical novella by George Orwell, published in 1945. It portrays a group of farm animals who overthrow their human owner in pursuit of equality and justice. Led by the pigs, they establish a new society called Animal Farm. However, the pigs gradually become corrupted by power, betraying the animals' original ideals and imposing their own oppressive rule.

Through its vivid animal characters, Orwell effectively criticizes totalitarianism and the abuse of power. The novella serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the dangers of revolutions being hijacked by selfish leaders who prioritize their own interests over the collective welfare. It emphasizes the importance of remaining vigilant and questioning authority to protect the principles of equality and justice.

"Animal Farm" continues to be a relevant and thought-provoking read, reminding readers of the timeless struggles against oppression and the need for active participation in safeguarding democratic values. It serves as a powerful reminder that the pursuit of a just society requires constant vigilance to prevent the erosion of fundamental rights and the rise of authoritarianism.

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