Heather Stemp

Heather Stemp's Newfoundland heritage goes back to her great-grandfather who immigrated from Ireland in the mid-1800's. Her grandfather, grandmother, aunt, and father were all born and raised in Harbour Grace. Her earliest memories include fish and brewis, lassy bread, boiled suppers, and a house load of people talking, laughing, and calling her "some sweet". After 30 years as an English teacher, Heather retired and wrote, Amelia and Me, a middle grade historical fiction, which was short listed for the 2014 Red Cedar Award. Her second book, Under Amelia's Wing, continues the story of her Aunt Ginny's adventures with Amelia Earhart. She is currently working on the third book in the Ginny Ross series. Heather lives in North Bay with her husband Don. She has two children and four grandchildren who love to read about their Newfoundland roots.

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