How Did They Kill: Hitler’s Zombies in World War Second

How Did They Kill: Hitler’s Zombies in World War Second

War means destruction, and the main victim of that destruction is the common man. World War I and World War II are two of the worst wars ever fought in human history. Meanwhile, the atrocities of the Second World War surpassed the First World War by several times. When you hear the name World War II, the first thing that comes to mind is Hitler and his Nazi forces and the killing of 6 million Jews. Not only did the Nazis kill the Jews! In addition to the Jews, the Nazi forces carried out brutal experiments on the Roman, Polish, Russian prisoners in their concentration camps, and even the German citizens with various disabilities were not spared from the brutality of the Nazis. The doctors of the Nazi army also conducted various experiments in the concentration camps to find out which method would cost the least time and money to kill the non-Aryans. In one experiment, a chemical was injected into the vagina to block the fallopian tubes. Some would die as a result. Some women among them were killed for autopsy. This book is all about the zombie world that Hitler wanted to create with latest researches.

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