Alter Ego - Season 2 - Delia
Alter Ego - Season 2 - Delia

Alter Ego - Season 2 - Delia

The revelation of the Alter Ego secret has shaken up the entire world population, that is now more or less divided into three categories: those who believe, those who don't, and those who've chosen sides for other reasons. This is the case of Delia, a high-flying lawyer who has decided to vehemently refute the Alter Ego theory. But behind her skepticism hides a secret wound, driving her forward...

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Sobre el autor

Denis Lapière

Born in 1958 in Namur, Denis Lapière started his sociology studies after having had a taste of the thrills of motor racing. In the mid 1980s he was one of the founders of the Tropica BD bookstore in Charleroi, which became the meeting point for many artists. Once he started getting some contacts, Lapière started writing scripts, which gradually found their place in the editorial landscape. He started at Spirou, producing short stories. He then published his first album in 1987: "Mauro Caldi" (Éditions Michel Constant Mirror). In 1990, he started "Charly" with Magda, a fantasy thriller that had Spirou readers on the edge of their seats. In the years that followed, Denis wrote scripts for several titles in the Aire Libre collection, a new means of expression for adult comics at Dupuis. With Jean-Philippe Stassen, he created "Le Bar du Vieux Français", which won numerous awards around the world. For Paul Gillon, he wrote "The Last of Cinemas" about the fate of a film producer during the twentieth century. While continuing his adult comics collaborations (with Pellejero and Mezzomo in particular), Lapière continued to work on more family-orientated strips like "Ludo" (with Bailly and Mathy), "Oscar" (with Durieux) and the reboot of "Tif et Tondu" (with Sikorski). In the 2000s, Denis Lapière had several experiences as a film screenwriter (with Pierre-Paul Renders). He also tried out an editorial role (launching collections Punaise" and "Puceron at Dupuis). In early 2010 he led two major projects: a collaborative work called "Alter Ego" and the new adventures of "Michel Vaillant", which he co-wrote with Philippe Graton. With nearly one hundred albums under his belt, Denis Lapière is one of today's most accomplished writers.


Né en 1963 à Bruxelles, licencié en Philologie Classique (UCL) et diplômé en réalisation (IAD, Louvain-la-Neuve), Pierre-Paul Renders vit à Hennuyères avec son épouse et leurs trois enfants. En sortant de l'IAD, il fonde avec cinq condisciples une maison de production (AA Les Films Belges) pour réaliser leur premier long métrage collectif à sketches, d'un surréalisme bien belge, "Les Sept Péchés Capitaux" (1992) pour lequel il commettra le court métrage "La Tendresse". Après un détour par la télévision et le documentaire (principalement pour Médecins sans Frontières), il réalise, sur un scénario de Philippe Blasband, un 1er long métrage, atypique et inclassable, "Thomas est amoureux" (2001) primé à Venise, Montréal, Angers, Gérardmer, Paris, Espoo, Buenos Aires... En collaboration avec Denis Lapière, il se lance alors dans l'écriture de "Comme tout le monde", un scénario qui donnera lieu en parallèle à une comédie sociologico-sentimentale (2006, avec Khalid Maadour, Caroline Dhavernas, Thierry Lhermitte, Chantal Lauby...) et à une épaisse BD (dessinée par Rudy Spiessert et parue en 2007 chez Dupuis). En 2006, il imagine le concept de la série "Alter Ego" et la propose à Denis Lapière et aux éditions Dupuis. Depuis 2004, il supervise des exercices d'écriture et de réalisation pour étudiants à l'IAD. Il anime également des stages pour acteurs face à la caméra et pratique occasionnellement le script-doctoring. Depuis 1990, il est aussi chroniqueur BD pour le Journal du Médecin. Ces dernières années, il est devenu accro aux jeux de plateaux, où il peut épancher le trop plein de son tempérament désespérément ludique.

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