France Adams

Toute petite, déjà, France raconte des histoires à ses poupées le soir avant de se coucher. Lors d’un séjour en Australie, elle découvre le cercle des conteurs et s’initie à la magie du conte. Depuis son retour au pays, elle participe à des festivals de conteurs, visite des écoles et fait profiter des milliers d’enfants de sa passion des histoires racontées. France vit à Winnipeg au Manitoba. As a little girl, France was already telling stories to her dolls before she went to sleep at night. During a stay in Australia, she discovered a group of storytellers and was initiated to the magic art of storytelling. Since her return home, she has taken part in storytelling festivals, visits schools and shares her passion for spoken stories with thousands of children. France lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba.