The Darling of Kandahar

The Darling of Kandahar

In 2007, a Canadian soldier stationed in Kandahar sent a letter to Maclean's magazine thanking the editors for the cover of their annual University Student Edition, which featured a young Canadian woman of Romanian descent who had become the new pin-up girl for the soldier and his comrades. Headlines flashed "The Darling of Kandahar," inspiring Romanian-Canadian writer Felicia Mihali’s first novel in English.In 2007, a Canadian soldier stationed in Kandahar sent a letter to Maclean's magazine thanking the editors for the cover of their annual University Student Edition, which featured a young Canadian woman of Romanian descent, who had become the new pin-up girl for the soldier and his comrades. Headlines flashed "The Darling of Kandahar," inspiring Romanian-Canadian writer Felicia Mihali’s first novel in English.

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About the author

Felicia Mihali

Born in Romania, Felicia Mihali has lived in Montreal since 2000. After studies in French, Mandarin and Dutch, she specialized in Postcolonial Literature, Art History and English Literature. She is co-founded of the webzine Terra Nova, and has published seven novels in French with the literary house XYZ Éditeur since 2002. The Darling of Kandahar is the first of her novels to be written in English.


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