My Child's Development

My Child's Development

Should I worry if my child's development does not correspond to the ages given in books ?

When will I know if my child is right or left-handed ?

Why do 5-to-6 month old babies put their feet in their mouth ?

My 12-month-old child does not walk. How can I stimulate him to take his first steps ?

My 2 year old yells and get angry when other children approach his toys. How can I help him to share ?

Why do 2 year olds have so many temper tantrums ?

Is it normal for my 3½ year old to talk to a non-existent friend ?

How can I appease my child's fears ?

At what age can my child start eating with a fork ?

At what age can I safely give my child scissors ?

... and many other questions !

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About the author

Francine Ferland

Francine Ferland est ergothérapeute et professeur émérite de l'Université de Montréal. Elle compte à son actif de nombreux ouvrages portant sur le jeu et le développement de l'enfant, dans lesquels elle partage son savoir et son expérience.


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