La tormenta (Death Wind)

La tormenta

(Death Wind)

La vida de Allie ha dado un giro terrible. Sus padres se pelean todo el tiempo, le está yendo muy mal en la escuela y, por si fuera poco, piensa que tal vez esté embarazada. Incapaz de enfrentar a sus padres, decide irse de su casa y tomar la carretera con su amigo Razz, un patinador profesional de skateboarding. Cuando un enfrentamiento pone a Allie en peligro, Razz y Allie deciden volver, pero pasan justo por el camino de un tornado. Para sobrevivir al horror y la destrucción que sigue a la tormenta, Allie debe hacer uso de toda su fortaleza.

Allie's life has just taken a turn for the worse. Not only do her parents fight all the time, but she is failing classes at school and she thinks she may be pregnant. Unable to face her parents, she decides to run away. She hooks up with her friend Razz, a professional skateboarder, and goes on the road. When confrontations put Allie in danger, Razz and Allie head toward home and right into the path of a tornado. To survive the horror and destruction that follow the storm, she must find her inner strength.

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About the author

William Bell

William Bell was a teacher and the bestselling author of a number of teen novels.


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