Body and Soul
Body and Soul

Body and Soul

The lives of a handful of Parisian characters trying to connect with themselves, their bodies, and each other intertwine in this insightful snapshot of modern society: mothers and daughters, sons and parents, lovers, friends, and neighbors interact and experience each other in ways both simple and profound.

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About the author


Born in 1971 in Arras, Gergory Mardon worked with several teams of animators after completing his studies at the Gobelins School of Animation in Paris, focusing on the principles involved in elaborating backgrounds. With these teams he contributed to the backgrounds and storyboards of numerous animated series produced in France, including "Papyrus," "Blake et Mortimer," "Fantômette," and "Diabolik." Concurrently, he made his initial forays into the realm of comics by producing three complete four-panel stories that appeared in Spirou between 1998 and 1999. In January 2000 he first attempted a full-length comic book with "Vagues à l'âme," a magnificent narrative about his grandfather that was published by Humanoïdes Associés. He continued to pursue his career in animation until 2002, when the publication of his second album, "Cycloman" (Éditions Cornélius), together with Charles Berbérian, incited him to make the "big leap" to the world of comics. It was then that he took on the complete authorship of a grand fresco on contemporary daily life with "Corps à corps," published by the Aire Libre collection at Dupuis ("Body and Soul," Europe Comics 2018). This work marked Grégory Mardon's definitive inclusion among the authors of large-scale adult-oriented comics. His talent was then confirmed by his graphic novel "Incognito" (Dupuis 2005, Europe Comics 2016), about the infernal spiral of human relationships, to be followed closely after by "Leçon de choses" (Dupuis 2006; "Object Lesson," Europe Comics 2017). Perhaps one day we will get an animated film out of him...


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