Summary: What Really Works Review and Analysis of Joyce, Nohria and Roberson's Book
Summary: What Really Works Review and Analysis of Joyce, Nohria and Roberson's Book

Summary: What Really Works

Review and Analysis of Joyce, Nohria and Roberson's Book

The must-read summary of William Joyce, Nitrin Nohria and Bruce Roberson's book: "What Really Works: The 4+2 Formula for Sustained Business Success".

This complete summary of the ideas from William Joyce, Nitrin Nohria and Bruce Roberson's book "What Really Works" asks a fundamental question: "What is the secret to sustained business success?" In their book, the authors reveal the research they carried out in order to answer this question, which they summarise in one simple result: all successful companies master six specific management practices. This summary explains each of these practices and how you can implement them to boost the success of your business.

Added-value of this summary:
• Save time
• Understand key concepts
• Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read "What Really Works" and discover the key strategies for future success.

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