Yellow Dog

Yellow Dog

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Jeremy lives in a small community where winters are long and stray dogs roam the streets. When peer pressure leads Jeremy into a bad prank, he is immediately struck with guilt — and that's when his life changes forever. Trying to make amends, Jeremy befriends Yellow Dog — and in the process meets a curious old man who introduces him to the adventures of dog sledding. Soon Jeremy is forming his own old-time dog team that includes Yellow Dog and in the process, discovers more about himself — and the old man — than he ever thought possible.Jeremy lives in a small community where winters are long and stray dogs roam the streets. When peer pressure leads Jeremy into a bad prank, he is immediately struck with guilt — and that's when his life changes forever. Trying to make amends, Jeremy befriends Yellow Dog — and in the process meets a curious old man who introduces him to the adventures of dog sledding. Soon Jeremy is forming his own old-time dog team that includes Yellow Dog and in the process, discovers more about himself — and the old man — than he ever thought possible.

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Miriam Körner

Miriam Körner Is an award-winning writer and illustrator for children and young adults, who has travelled thousands of miles by dog team and canoe in Canada's Far North. Her first novel, Yellow Dog, was nominated for the Silver Birch, Red Cedar, Manitoba Young Readers' Choice, and Rocky Mountain Book awards. She and her husband live in a small cabin surrounded by their sled dogs near La Ronge, Saskatchewan.


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