Grandpa Pike’s Outhouse Reader

Grandpa Pike’s Outhouse Reader

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Humorous, inspiring, and sometimes thought-provoking stories

The subject of outhouses must be handled delicately. So we will tiptoe around it, moving from foot to foot, like you would—and you do—when you need to “go” and there is no suitable facility nearby. A novel is too long for one sitting. However, a book like this contains short reads, and you can simply fold down the corner of the page when you are done. Upon your next visit, you might choose a story at random, the length of which you’ll determine by estimating the time required to complete the job. You’ll figure it out, and we hope some of these pieces will take your mind off the more mundane tasks of the day.

Grandpa Pike’s Outhouse Reader is not about outhouses, though. It’s about history, rural living, family, religion, places that are gone, ordinary people who have done extraordinary things . . . and much more! Laugh, cry, or groan . . . these stories are guaranteed to move you!

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Grandpa Pike

Laurie Blackwood Pike, a.k.a. Grandpa Pike, was born in Stanhope, Newfoundland and Labrador. A businessman and commercial traveller by occupation, he currently works as a business development manager with a national chain of hardware and building supply stores. Grandpa Pike is not a grandfather but got the nickname when his hair went grey when he was in his twenties. In 1986, he bought a rural general store, developed a logo, and branded the business “Grandpa Pike’s.” His unique store was profiled in the hardware industry’s Hardware Merchandising magazine. In recent years, Grandpa Pike has used his nickname for charity work. In 2007, he partnered with the Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada, Newfoundland & Labrador Chapter, to release a music CD. The Will to Live contains country, Irish, folk, and gospel tunes. In 2009, he partnered again with the Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada to produce a gospel Christmas CD. He is married to Kathleen Pike and has one daughter, Laurie Shannon.


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