How He Lied to Her Husband

How He Lied to Her Husband

How He Lied to Her Husband is a short, one-act play by George Bernard Shaw, first performed in 1904. This comedic work serves as a satirical counterpart to Shaw's earlier play "Candida" and showcases Shaw's sharp wit and keen observation of human relationships and societal norms.

Set in London, the play revolves around a love triangle involving a young poet, Henry Apjohn, who is enamored with Aurora Bompas, a beautiful, married woman. The intrigue begins when Aurora discovers that Henry has written passionate love poems to her, which she fears might fall into the hands of her husband, Teddy Bompas. The situation takes a humorous turn when the husband confronts Henry, leading to unexpected developments that challenge traditional notions of love, honor, and marital fidelity.

Shaw cleverly subverts the conventional love triangle trope by infusing the narrative with irony and comedic misunderstandings. The characters, while seemingly adhering to societal expectations, reveal their true selves in the face of potential scandal, highlighting the absurdity and complexity of human relationships.

"How He Lied to Her Husband" is notable for its concise structure, sharp dialogue, and the way it playfully addresses themes of romantic idealism versus the realities of marriage. Shaw's comedic touch provides a light-hearted critique of the pretensions and vanities of high society, making the play a delightful and insightful exploration of love, jealousy, and the art of deception.

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