Summary: Dealing With Darwin - Geoffrey Moore
Summary: Dealing With Darwin - Geoffrey Moore

Summary: Dealing With Darwin - Geoffrey Moore

This work offers a summary of the book “DEALING WITH DARWIN: How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution by Geoffrey Moore”.

In just the same way as a Darwinian battle for the survival of the fittest occurs in the natural world, a similar kind of phenomena often arises within the marketplace. To survive and prosper, companies need to keep innovating all the time to retain a competitive advantage. The precise nature of the types of innovations which will generate the greatest returns varies as the marketplace itself changes and evolves in this way:
• In the early stages of a new market, product leadership style innovations are highly valued.
• Once a market reaches maturity, innovations centered around operational excellence or customer intimacy take center stage.
• In a declining market, competitive advantage is achieved using category renewal innovations.

Geoffrey Moore explains how companies should behave to answer these changes.

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