Everyday Indian 100 Fast, Fresh and Healthy Recipes
Everyday Indian 100 Fast, Fresh and Healthy Recipes

Everyday Indian

100 Fast, Fresh and Healthy Recipes

This exciting cookbook introduces a modern concept in Indian cuisine-it can be simple, quick and delicious. With most of the recipes in Everyday Indian: 100 Fast, Fresh, and Healthy Recipes ready in less than 25 minutes, Bal Arneson proves that Indian cooking doesn't have to be complicated. Her recipes use everyday spices and common techniques to create simply mouthwatering dishes that the novice cook and experienced home chef alike can whip up at home. Everyday Indian: 100 Fast, Fresh, and Healthy Recipes also offers low-fat options for the health conscious without ever compromising taste. This electronic edition for the Kobo Vox features fixed layout design that keeps all the fonts, recipes, and images in tact from the original bestselling print edition.

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About the author

Bal Arneson

Originally from a small village in Punjab, India, Bal Arneson learned how to cook from her elders when she was just seven years old, over coals in a small clay pit. When she was 20, Bal immigrated to Canada. Drawing on the culinary knowledge she gained in India, as well as her own natural talents, Bal would regularly cook up healthy, quick, and delicious dishes for family and friends. It was not long until Vancouver's food community took notice of her incredible talent. Cooking stores and local television stations began asking her to share her tricks for making healthy Indian dishes. After giving numerous cooking classes, making several television appearances, and inspiring many newspaper articles, Bal's recipes were in such demand that she decided to write a cookbook. Now, in Everyday Indian, she shares her recipes and her fresh approach to food and cooking, which fit so well with today's busy, health-conscious lifestyle. Bal's book attracted so much attention that she was eventually offered her own TV Show. Spice Goddess airs on The Cooking Channel in the US and will be on Food Network Canada. With a successful career in cooking and food, her own television show, a National bestselling book, as well as reviewing the B.C. food scene for the National Post online, Bal feels like she's come a long way from her childhood in India. She's also had the opportunity to pursue a higher education, something she would not have had access to as a woman had she stayed in her village in India. In addition to an undergraduate degree in education from the University of British Columbia, Bal has also completed her master's degree in education from Simon Fraser University. Bal is keen on giving back to the community by supporting many local charities such as the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation, Canuck Place, BC Cancer Society, and food banks throughout BC and Alberta.


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